Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Retirement Party

It was something I never expected - a retirement party!  But when the talk and the planning started . . . Well, I never expected the result.  Sure, I helped when asked about pictures and information of the past, but never expected what came to pass. 

It was held on a Tuesday evening at the Sky Lobby near the top of Chase Tower.  The gala started at 5:30pm, and by 6pm, it seemed like the Sky Lobby was filled. I was thrilled to see a former physics student from Wagoner High School - Mitch! 

Our CEO, Scott Rees started the evening.
Scott talked about some of my past work and gave some very nice praise for my work.  I was quite honored.  Scott presented me with a Garmin Monterra and a gift certificate to REI.  Wow! 
I was almost speechless.  Dan Walker, my supervisor, was next. 
I had a premonition that Dan planned a "roast", and he did.  It was funny and in good humor, but then he started talking about my work at NSAI.  Wow again!  Dan presented me with a gift - a brass Brunton compass and "retirement T-shirts"!  The Brunton was beautiful!  I got choked up.  Dave Adams, a reservoir simulation engineer, was next.  Dave told of times when I struggled to keep up with the demands for reservoir simulation computing.  Dave had a little bag of tools to help describe his tale.  The last to speak was Mitch. 
Mitch told of his time with me as a high school senior and some of my antics in the classroom.  And last, Cindy presented me with a present from our daughter, Crystal, who had sent it to her earlier.  T-shirts and a neat drawing by our granddaughter Ashley.  Then it was my turn to speak.  I think I only choked up once.  I thanked everyone and kidded around with Dan and Mitch.  The party that was supposed to last until 7pm, but we ran over a bit.  It was 9pm before we left!  Wow!

The party was way more than I expected, and something I'll never forget. Thank you to everyone at NSAI, to Mitch, to our daughter Crystal and granddaughter Ashley, and to my lovely wife, Maureen, who has shared this journey with me.

1 comment:

  1. A significant milestone in life to be sure. Mary and I are very happy for you as you begin this next chapter in your life.
