Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Finally! Retirement and Travel begins!

My original intentions were to never let this blog go for more than three days without a post.  After all, a reader will be frustrated that there is nothing new.  It has now been three weeks since my last post - and I do apologize. 

So far, retirement has brought no rest!  I am beginning to think I need to find a job so I can get some rest!  We have cleaned out the extra U-Haul storage room, the storage basement in the RV, all the cabinets - including the pantry. . . scary, especially the tomato paste can with a 2008 date - and checked/worked on all systems required for travel.  We delayed departure for a week.  Then delayed two more days.  Then finally, one more day.  With that one more day, we finally completed the preparations for travel! 

Our original thoughts were to travel only about 180 miles from Denton to Goodlett, TX.  We knew the first day of travel would be a late start . . . and we were correct!  Woke up at 5am with a sick dog!  So a call to the vet at 8am and pick up medicine at 9am.  Then all the last minute chores to be prepared to leave.  And the unknown . . . being in one spot in the RV, one tends to make many friends in the RV park.  And we just had to say good-bye to all of them!  Saying good-bye to friends is never easy.  And even at that, it's not good-bye because we will be back!  It is just until we meet again.

Finally, at 2pm in the afternoon, we were hitched up, "good-byed" out, and leaving Destiny RV Park in Denton with sights set on making it to Goodlett, TX.

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