Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Back in Santa Fe

We returned to Santa Fe and Trailer Ranch RV Park on a sunny, 60+ degree day (Wednesday, February 18).  The 10 day forecast did not bring any change to the temperatures.  Ski season for us was over.

The truck . . . again.  On Thursday we headed off to Chalmer's Ford in Albuquerque.  Ah, there was one "tiny" problem . . .  on the way back to Santa Fe, the engine brake had worked perfectly!  But John said bring it in, and they would check it out!  John even gave us a loaner car this time!  Because there would probably be a "diagnosis" within an a couple of hours, we stayed in the Albuquerque area.  We headed out west on I-40 to Camping World for a few items, and then up Coors Boulevard to the Petroglyphs National Monument.

Petroglyphs National Monument is literally inside the city limits of Albuquerque and Rio Rancho.  Basalt flows covered this area some 200,000 years ago.  As the basalt weathered, a weathering patina developed on the surface.  The Ancient Ones carved images into this patina, and thus the petroglyphs.  However, "modern" man has also carved images into the patina also, and though technically these images should be known as petroglyphs also, they are more commonly called "illegal graffiti".
Of course, Bootsie came along on the trip also.  And in the background on the rocks, one can see both ancient and modern petroglyphs.
Click on the pictures to enlarge them and look to the left side for petroglyphs.

But our trip to Petroglyphs National Monument was interrupted by a phone call about the truck.  So, off to Chalmer's Ford!  And the verdict?  Nothing.  That's right, the service techs, and even a visiting regional service tech who happened to be in the shop, could not find anything wrong.

Get the truck and head back to Santa Fe.

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