Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Off to ski at Wolf Creek! On second thought . . .

The alarm clock ran early Thursday morning (February 12)!  We hadn't set the alarm since my last day at work!  A good breakfast,  walk the dogs, load up the ski gear, and away to Wolf Creek we went.  We went out to Wolf Creek on Wednesday afternoon to pick up our season passes and to "learn the ropes for Gray Wolf members".  But now, we were ready to ski!

Outside of the holidays and spring break, Wolf Creek never seems that crowded.  We donned our new ski boots (that was a chore), snapped on the skis, skied into the Raven Lift queue and right onto the loading position.  The view from Raven Lift was both beautiful and sad.  Sad because one can see that there has just not been the normal snowfall in the Rockies.  It seems that the Northeast has been punished by blizzards (expecting a Mumf note here), and the West has been punished with little to no precipitation.  On top of that, I suddenly realized I am sweating while sitting on the lift!  It was too unseasonably warm. 

It has been about 10 years since our last ski trip, so for the first run of the day we chose the easiest green.  It was around 10 am in the morning.  The top of the run was wet snow . . . heavy wet snow that had been groomed the night before. As we skied downslope, the wet snow turned to wet snow that had a growing number of water puddles formed on the surface.  Suddenly our snow skiing turned to water skiing!  There were so many water puddles that we left a wake as we progressed downhill!  Of the 21 years of skiing Wolf Creek, this one single run was the worst we had ever seen at Wolf Creek.  

By the time we reached the bottom, stowed our skis, and walked back into the Base Camp Lodge, our shirts were wet with our own sweat.  We talked with a few others in the lodge, and finally made the decision to call it a day - after only one run.  We gathered our "stuff" and headed for the truck.  Once in the truck and headed down the mountain, we learned that the temperature was 51!  At the ski area!  No wonder we were sweating!  

Friday came, then Saturday, and Sunday . . . and each day brought warmer temperatures and no snow.  Each day, the ski report showed a decreasing base due to melt.  It just came more and more apparent that this was not the year to ski.  A cold Monday and 1" snowfall only brought more bad news - "spring skiing conditions exist".  

That's it; that was the end.  On our way to Pagosa Springs, more truck problems - the engine brake stopped functioning.  A call to Chalmers Ford in Albuquerque, and an appointment was made for Thursday.  A call to Trailer Ranch RV Park in Santa Fe, and we had a spot.  Ski season ended as suddenly as it began.  We will leave Pagosa Springs on Wednesday, February 18, head to Santa Fe, and return the truck to the shop.  

Nope, ski season is over.  Plan B goes into effect.  Our plans now are to head off to Farmington, spend a few days and re-explore Chaco Canyon.  Might even take in Salmon Ruins and Aztec.  And maybe I can get around to tell the story associated with Chaco Canyon and Salmon Ruins from 1974 - it will bring a chuckle!

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